Music Video Commercial Analog Cinematography Cinematographer

Svavar Knútur – The Hurting

MUSIC-VIDEO | 3’54” | Alexa Mini | Super16


Nominee: Short Waves Festival


Director: Kay Otto
Production: Antiplot Film
Client: Svavar Knútur

The Hurting.Standbild041 - Svavar Knútur - The Hurting

The Hurting.Standbild036 - Svavar Knútur - The Hurting

The Hurting.Standbild034 - Svavar Knútur - The Hurting

The Hurting.Standbild001 - Svavar Knútur - The Hurting

The Hurting.Standbild023 - Svavar Knútur - The Hurting


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