
Short-Film | 17′ | ARRI Alexa SXT

Intermezzos deals with the psychological state of alienation which is not to be shared, described or prevented, not even in the most intimate moments with the closest person. It is a search for words that depict the discrepancy between what is to be seen and what is to be felt. The state of disconnection and rootlessness as well as the sensation of beeing unsettled can be portrayed much closer in a symbolical or visually unliteral manner. Intermezzo questions the translation of these states to literal, it questions the capability of self-reflection, but it also comforts its miscarriage.


Director / Screenwriter: Visnja Stretenovic
Supported by: Claussen-Simon Stiftung

Intermezzo 1.1.7.T - Intermezzo

Intermezzo 1.1.11 - Intermezzo

Intermezzo 1.15.2 - Intermezzo

Intermezzo 1.30.3 - Intermezzo


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